A time for everything

By turnx3

Feeding frenzy!

The birds were mobbing the feeders on this cold morning - largely sparrows and quite a number of starlings, but also cardinals, woodpeckers, a couple of red-winged blackbirds and a Blue Jay. They were also glad of the water in the bird bath, thanks the heater we have in it, since the temperature will barely make it up to freezing today. When we woke this morning, there was a sprinkling of fine snow on the ground, which continued for an hour or so, before dwindling to a few random flakes drifting down. We spent a leisurely breakfast watching the birds through the windows, and I continued watching them and photographing them through the windows for a while after - it was rather cold for standing outside photographing them!
In the early afternoon, we donned our warm clothing and headed to Sharon Woods for a walk around the lake and through the gorge. I was thinking there would be icicles along the stream by now, but I guess it’s still a bit early, but the next couple of days of sub freezing temperatures should bring about a.change! I was glad to get back to a mug of hot chocolate!
Meanwhile, our daughter Laura was up in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, where it is quite a bit colder, skiing with a friend in the middle of a snow storm! (I’ve added a photo she sent me in extras)!
Later in the afternoon, we got all our Christmas boxes back up in the loft above the garage, then this evening we went out to eat at our favourite Mediterranean/Middle Eastern restaurant.
Not looking forward to going out to church at 8.45 in the morning, when the temperature will be 7F (-14 C) with a feel like temperature of -10F ( -23 C)!
Step count: 10,433

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