Dawn's Journal

By DawnP

Fibonacci Daisy

I read an article about patterns in nature based on the Fibonacci sequence over breakfast and used this as inspiration for today's blip.

The Fibonacci Sequence is named after a 13th century Italian mathematician, and is a sequence of numbers where each number is the sum of the previous two: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13... The sequence is all about growth, and once used to model how quickly rabbits would breed (assuming no foxes around!). Today, many examples of the series have been observed in nature: in leaf arrangements round a stem; pine cones; spiralling seed heads.

Many photgraphers know of the Rule of Thirds for compositions. Another methid is based on the golden rectangles, built from squares with sides with lengths following the Fibonacci sequence: joining the corners together produce a logarithmic (golden) spiral.

This photo of a chrysanthemum daisy is cropped using the golden spiral overlay in LR on its golden seedhead, which if you look carefully spirals out from the centre along the curve.

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