
By Topsyturvy

Now you see it ...

And 10 minutes later, you don't! We're staying put at the moment so Berry and I had our usual wander up the hill behind with some wonderful views.  A light covering of snow picks up the nooks and crannies in the landscape, changing the very familiar into something special.

I'm writing this indoors in a nice snug environment but I can hear the geese honking as they roost out in the cold. More snow is forecast and there's been a strong North wind all day. The bird feeding stations have been refilled numerous times today - I just hope we don't run out before we can get some more. 

Jobs for today seen to have been frustrated on all fronts by one thing or another. Can't book the ferry to the Outer Hebrides until Thursday and I can't book campsites until that's confirmed so that my big task frustrated.  Sometimes the universe just doesn't play ball the way I want it!

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