Mail to Messy

By Horomaka

A Watery Ellesmere Morning

This morning we were greeted by fine sunshine and, at last, an opportunity to venture out in the wider world after battening down the hatches for the last few days.

As expected, there was much standing water on our trip to Lincoln this morning for supplies. We decided on heading on the backroads via Greenpark instead of the State Highway via Tai Tapu. After turning down the aptly named Duck Pond Rd, it soon became clear that this may not have been the wiser of our options.

Ah well, a bit of fording never hurt anyone. I'm just thankful we were in a four wheel drive as it made it just that little bit more reassuring, although looking down and seeing your running boards underwater as you plough your own bow wave is always a little tense...

Needless to say, Madame Chauffeur saw fit to come back through Tai Tapu and along the main road on the return journey, which was mostly clear.

Heading past Lake Ellesmere/Te Waihora, I managed to capture this shot of a lone black swan with the majestic snow covered alps in the background. Where the swan was paddling was paddocks a few days ago. It's not far along the highway from where this was taken, so the view may be familiar to some.

Tomorrow sees the start of my seventh week of recovery from the op. Frustration is now starting to set in a little now that I've been outside again. Funny thing is that no matter how much cabin fever irks you, getting out into the wider world and then knowing that I can't just jump in the car and drive myself anywhere is somehow worse.
I guess, as the old song goes, "you don't know what you've got 'til its gone". I've got a feeling the next two and a half weeks are going to be very long...

Go large for the real highway view

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