Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Portrait of a swan

A change in weather today, a but mizzly and wet with sunshine in between. But is it so much warmer. it felt quite mild today and no need for a very warm jacket. The swans always swim up to Xena and I as we walk past the pond, they are so bossy and hiss at any dog that walks past. Xena just looks at them and is probably thinking, 'oh, get over yourself you silly thing!'

Its been a quiet day at home but tonight I am going to our annual book club Burns Night Supper. The January meeting is always hosted by our Scottish member and I know how wonderful it will be as she goes to so much effort. Last year we all had to read a verse from one of his poems which was a bit of a laugh.

Gavin has been out every night this week for work/school functions, but tonight he is home yet both Tommy and I are out - we are often like ships passing in the night!

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