Photo field trip

My photography class took another field trip today. This time we visited the Cleveland City Greenhouse in Rockefeller Park. Bob and I were there once, years ago, with our girls, but that was such distant history I had almost forgotten it. It was a great place to practice the photography techniques I am learning. Dodd Camera, a brick and mortar camera store with numerous branches in this area, sent a representative with a nice collection of tripods that we could use while we were there. That was a good experience for me because I don't ever shoot with a tripod. It was another way to push the envelope, and I found out how nice it can really be. The tripod I used was a travel model, very light, and easy to handle. I got some very sharp pictures too, some at pretty low shutter speeds. If you are interested, I posted more pictures here.

Weather report: Hot and humid today and extra steamy in the Greenhouse!

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