
By Jamjar

We had a fantastic evening with 'David Bowie'!

While we were eating in Wetherspoons before the show I was greeted by a woman who was one of my parents helpers when I was teaching Reception. Her son is now 28...  Good grief!!!

After the show we caught the bus back to my house and two stops after we got on, who should join the bus but chatterbox John. He belongs to my Ramblers group, so we had a bit of a catchup on the ride home, which was good!

Jan and I then stayed up far too late! 

I woke at 8am after six hours sleep and my vision was disturbed, like with a migraine, for a while but it didn't come to anything much. I  took her back home before lunch and then walked to the allotments to meet the Chairman, whose plot is right next to mine. I signed the agreement and later paid my dues for the year. 

Then I carried on walking to collect two parcels from different places, one of which, the Post Office, was shut!

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