secret garden

By freespiral


A cold grey start to the day then it cheered up considerably and by the afternoon I was able to enjoy a cuppa down by the pond. You can see what I've been doing - 4 four of these barrow-loads were escorted down to a massive half hidden heap where this kind of stuff goes.  I am wrecked but some areas of brambles, ivy and myrtle saplings have been momentarily cleared - as Himself said, it will all be leaping back up behind me .Suitable for Mono Monday's theme of transport - thanks Steveng.
And there's a new blog - big excitement as it's the 1500th anniversary of the death of St Brigid, one of our three patron saints and we get a long weekend in her honour.  Lots of interesting things happening around the country especially in Kildare where yesterday, a relic of the saint ( a teeny bit of her cranium) was ceremoniously brought back from exile. 

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