
By SparseRunner


After a lot of twists and turns, the last unexpected hiccup coming on Friday, I threw just the right number of toys out of my pram this morning to get approval for the conversion of И's contract to open-ended. It's a huge step forward for HiGHS, as she's essential to the project, and the uncertainty was doubly stressful as we're also very good friends. 

Open-ended contracts are hard to get at universities, so to secure one for a non-academic role on a specific project is quite an achievement, and is a measure of the value of HiGHS to the School.

After that, I had some related admin to do, before we had a meeting with a Brazilian client. I then moved on to a dull meeting on Knowledge Exchange, before attending a lecture by a statistics colleague as part of "Peer observation of teaching". Although he's been at Edinburgh for ten years, I had to point out how to get the lighting right when presenting slides. 

After the journey home, I cooked tea for myself, poured a beer and toasted И's open-ended future with HiGHS.

Now to walk Django 

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