A Blip on the Reidar

By reidar

Back again!

Seems I was missed while away so that leaves you feeling loved, my thanks to you all. Safe journeys both ways and a fun time while away but glad to be home again. Home again, home again, jiggety jig!

Heartache though while I was away as my beloved football team have been relegated from the SPL with one game to go. Distressed beyond belief and the game next week will have a lot of us in tears no doubt. Well its First Division footie next season so in a way it should be fun. If we are to recover and come straight back up it means we can look forward to a season of winning all the time and a massive end of season party as we are crowned champions. Plus we are in Europe, again, and will of course be winning the Scottish Cup in two weeks time so that'll be great!!! Feeling better already :)

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