Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

No owls!

Last night we had a very interesting evening for the Skinner's Company Lord Mayor's dinner. The Lord Mayor did not attend but his appointed successor did, Dame Susan Langley, a woman from a more humble background than the usual office holder, and so good to see a woman in that role. I sat next to Lord Lisvane who I know quite well and despite what people are preconditioned to think (as he has a life peerage) he is a wonderful man, famous for his complaint against John Bercow for bullying. We had a very interesting talk by the key note guest, Dan Snow, who also received some ribbing about his trousers splitting in Strictly! The food was excellent, and I managed to stay awake as it was a late night by the time I got home. 

Today I walked Xena and then went shopping for groceries for the weekend. Waitrose was accepting cash only (which included debit cards as who carries cash these days?) as the village has an internet problem so it affected their systems.

Then back home for a quick lunch before Gavin and I set off to find the short eared owls at Staines Moor. I know people saw them yesterday, and the past weekend resulted in fabulous sightings, but today - nada, nothing! It was so disappointing. We stood on the moor in the cold wind from 2.15pm until 3.45pm and not one sighting! One other photographer I spoke to had been there since 1pm and also had no sightings. It was very windy on the moor - not so  at home where it was calm - so maybe that affected the birds? I saw a Little Egret, (see extra) a stone chat and some swans, slim pickings when I was expecting short eared owls. I think I have missed the season and they have moved on back home to Sweden? So this photo sums up the afternoon, photographers all searching the skies to no avail.

Tonight is a quiet night at home, and early night for Tommy, as he leaves at 6am tomorrow morning to go away with his friends skiing for the week.

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