Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

A short walk

A trip to the mountain house with my girl Dee. She had to meet the bug company man—the exterminator!- for her nephew so I went along for the weekend.

We stopped for breakfast at a little cafe in Greenwood. As we were eating a man came over and invited himself to sit with us along with his son. Apparently we were at “their” table for Friday breakfast so we just sat and talked with them. They must be very “regular” customers since the waitress brought their drinks and their food without even asking what they wanted. We laughed about this! The man told us we were welcome to have breakfast with them any time!

We hung out at the house until after the bug man appointment then headed over to Cherokee to see if we could see the elk and to find a place for some food. We found both! The Native Brew was pretty good and I am not a beer drinker! We had a short walk by a creek at one of the trails at Smoky Mountain Park before eating.

After eating we drove back to the park where we saw about a dozen elk by the road. Such huge animals.

Tomorrow we will find a few waterfalls!
In the forest with water is my happy place!

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