An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Proud Mum!

It was the Prize Giving at Alan's school today, his first proper one at his new school as he'd just joined this time last year.

David managed to get away from work early so I met him at the school and we took our seats wondering why everyone was sitting on one side of the hall. We thought we'd start a trend and sit on the empty side, only to discover a short while later that we were sitting in the seats reserved for the pupils. Doh! No prizes for us! :)

I always attend these events with trepidation as when Alan was younger, he absolutely hated being in a crowded room with lots of noise, especially if there was applause. Within minutes of being in that situation his eyes would fill with tears and a petted lip that you could have hung your washing on would appear, to be closely followed by heart-rending sobs and full blown hysterics if he wasn't rescued from the situation quickly enough.

Yes, I was that mother, forever destined to be parading her child around outside the venue trying to restore peace, feeling heart sorry for Alan and how horrid the whole experience must have been for him and equally sorry for myself as the mother of the child who always cries.

Well fast forward a few years and the transformation in Alan in amazing. Not only does he take it all in his stride, he positively glows in the spotlight. Well maybe not always, but he certainly did today. He was definitely in "Look at Me, Look at what I've Achieved" mode! :D

Alan has done exceptionally well this year and his name was called out 3 times. This shot is of his third trip out to get his certificate (apologies for the terrible quality. I didn't think photos would be allowed so didn't have my camera with me. David grabbed this hurriedly on his phone!) and his classroom assistant had to stop to let him soak in the applause and smile at the audience!

We also met his friend Andrew, a lad in his class who he has made good friends with this year. I can't tell you how happy I am about this. Making friends seems such a natural part of life, it just happens, but it's so much harder for a child with Alan's level of disability. We have to cultivate and facilitate friendships on his behalf. A tricky and at times, stressful situation. The stories I could tell! :))

Andrew's gone home from school with a letter inviting him to hang out with Alan over the summer holidays. He says he would love to and would give the letter to his mum as soon as he got home from school and get her to ring me to arrange it. Her name is Diane too so at least I will remember! :) I really hope we can make it happen.

Oh and after the prize-giving there was a strawberry tea, with cups of tea and huge strawberry tarts made by the school dinner ladies. They looked delicious but it's a fasting day so we both resisted. Well done us!

Now I'm shattered and must get my head onto a pillow very soon. I'm so sorry for neglecting your journals but it's been a hectic weekend and another busy day in the pipeline tomorrow as I try to cram in lots of stuff before the schools break up on Thursday.

Hopefully I'll get the chance to back blip the weekend tomorrow and grab some time to see what you've been up to.

Hope you've all been behaving yourselves ;)))

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