An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Gateway to the Past and the Future

Through the gate

Visited my childhood village again today to take more pics of the regeneration. Amazing how much progress there had been in just a couple of weeks. Large areas of ground prepared for building and actual foundations laid for the first few houses.

This shot was taken from one of the now deserted streets and as my mind is always rooted in the past when I visit the place, I liked the melancholy feel of this gate that leads to a house that no longer exists. It was only when I uploaded the shot that I saw I had also captured the building plot of the first if the new houses in the background. It seems like a good pictorial metaphor for the re-generation and the new homes and families who will live there once the re-build is complete.

Afterwards I headed to Ele's for lunch then home in time for my boy getting in from school.

Almost at the end of term. Can't wait for a lie in on Friday morning :))

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