Gitama's World

By Gitama

Driving Through the Clouds

Its been very drizzly and pretty wet which always makes for a very interesting drive over the I was driving through the clouds.a magical mystical wonderland.

I think I mentioned before that there are so many gorgeous vignettes and scenes but unfortunately like in a lot of places there is no where to stop that's safe for those epic views anyway.

Beyond the clouds the landscape falls away into a deep and lush valley with hills and escarpments on the other side...which one can see much better on a clear day...I love the rainforest.
The rain has brought out such lovely color on the bark of the gum trees which is so much more vivid in life.

I was a bit easier being in Dads man cave sorting things today...not quite as raw as last time and Mum and I gently brought the old boy back to life with some of our memories of him eating pancakes and drinking tea.

I have been drip feeding her stories from my travels when I was younger ...which.... I dare not of told her at the time as she would of locked me up and thrown away the key but now that I am older and more (ahem!) sensible my stories maker her laugh and her eyes to widen in disbelief ...she shakes her head and accepts me for the ratbag I am and most likely always be.

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