Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

I Shall Not

I shall not be groomed. I shall not. I shall not be groomed.

Honestly with all Ferds carry on anyone would think the comb is the most evil thing in the world and I am so mean to use it.

Out of the whole zoo the only one that likes being groomed is Ulysses's and he's a cat, I must have the only groom loving cat in the world.

Physio good, I am being left to my own devises with a month long open appointment and if I don't need to see them in that month I will be discharged. It could all flare up again and if it does there will be little point in referring me back.

Waiting for Mr Mouse to finish playing his new game and make my cup of tea he mentioned half an hour ago then I will be heading to bed. I keep having bad nights, you know where you half wake up because of a bad dream/nightmare but you have no idea what it was all about but then you fall back to sleep.

Oh well wiiercise to look forwards to in the morning (if I can get my arse out of bed) and then sports bra shopping in the afternoon after the desk job thing.

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