Nash's House

There are plans by the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust to convert Nash's House and New Place plus gardens into a kind of Shakespeare Experience and today the gardens were open to the public to voice their opinion and see the plans.

Nash's House was the home of the first husband of Shakespeare's granddaughter, whilst New Place was where Will and Ann lived when he was not in London. Unfortunately New Place was demolished some time back by the then owner and only the foundations remain, Nash House being retained as a prime example of a Tudor residence.

The gardens are large and beautifully laid out; a marquee had been erected to hold the plans and models for the proposed redevelopment. It all seems OK, especially the bit about Stratford residents being able to get into the house and gardens free of charge. I don't think it will be a Shakespeare Theme Park, though why they need a water feature running the length of the garden I can't imagine.

I took a few photos in the garden for prosperity in case the end result is a disaster. The published picture is one I took as we were walking towards Nash's House along Chapel Street past the Shakespeare Hotel towards Guild Chapel and Shakespeare's old school (King Edward VI).

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