Slow, Slow, Slow

Being Monday I was at the shop this afternoon. I could get quite a bit of work done if it wasn't for the infrastructure, and this isn't me blaming my tools (if you'll excuse the expression).

Being a charity we rely on donations for as much as possible, including computers, so the pc I use for listing was on its last legs years ago, and I'm amazed it still boots up, let alone manages to do anything. I took a photograph during the afternoon of a blank screen with an egg timer, this was what I spent most of the afternoon watching. Even when the machine decides to co-operate the internet connection is at best frustrating, at worse non-existent.

So to pass the time during these slow periods I sometimes wander around looking at books and vinyl. The vinyl is particularly interesting at times with people clearing out 'old stuff' to make room for shiny new technology. What I really like is the art work that was used on LP covers, especially the early recordings. Today's picture shows two of the LP's from the 1970's that caught my eye, I have to admit to not knowing who Andy Mackay was until I looked him up on t'net (at home where I've a half-decent broadband speed), but I think the art work on the two albums is great.

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