0804 to Leeds


"What's your name sir?"
"John, John Harte - because two hearts are better than one"

I can imagine John using this line quite often. I liked it, it showed he had a certain character about him.

John is Irish and has lived in Leeds since the early 50's when his large family moved over here.

It was a strange encounter with him really. First of all, it didn't help that I had difficulty in understanding him a lot of the time. It wasn't so much his accent but the clarity in his speech.

He told me quite a lot about his family and how he was one of many siblings and now there was not many of them left, except one sister, who helps him with paperwork as he has a form of dyslexia. Quite a random bit of conversation when I think about it now.

Then, when I got round to taking some shots of him he really liked them and asked if I could send them to him. I happily agreed, and asked him where. I realised that he had started giving me his residential address and when I tried to stop him and explain email I had lost him.

Eventually, I think he got slightly annoyed or frustrated in some way. He stood up, said goodbye, and walked away.

I'll probably bump into John again at some point I imagine, I just hope the encounter is better a second time around!

Humans of Leeds

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