
By FlyingPRGal

Rainbow Rose

Swam in the outside pool briefly this morning (on account of a road closure delaying my journey) followed by a longer swim indoors to make it up to just over a mile.

Enjoyed a Matcha Chai latte afterwards before nipping into Tesco for some essentials. Spotted the rainbow roses and being a sucker for pretty flowers I bought myself one.

Spent the rest of the afternoon and most of the evening having a big sort out. Started with some laundry and tidying and found myself creating a bag for the tip and a bag for the charity shop… then another bag then another. I’m now on a mission to continue tomorrow in between emails and calls.

Originally I was due out this evening for a pub quiz but it was cancelled and my friends decided to stay in. Oh well, impromptu sort outs seem to be the best ones!

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