Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Finally, the gardening diaries are done. 
And... my stomach was still a bit uneasy today, some twinges of pain but just mild ones. And, nr 2, my doc is ill, so the appointment was cancelled, and they thought (at the health clinic) that a video call with another doc would be ok, but I needed to cancel that and after two calls to the reception and one call with a nurse I finally had something in place... No nutritionist before I can be examined by a doc and the diagnose can be certain, so.. I'll do the best I can in the meantime. The meds I had with me calmed my stomach down a bit, but I was moving around a bit carefully, and my stomach didn't like when I was walking up and down in stairs. 
I also had a meeting and I thought that I only had one year employment at the Greenhouse, but today I was told that I'll get two years, so until September 2025. That's a relief! To know where to go for the next year and (mor than) a half is really good for my stress levels. 
Although I can't get in touch with a nutritionist, I can get an appointment with the physiotherapist, for my neck, and that I'll do.
Some of the tulip bulbs are inside now, half of all of the different kinds. Springtime is slowly creeping in to the greenhouse. :)

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