Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Selfie time. 
I was looking like a snowman when I came to work, after just 15 minutes outside. And the bus driver was driving so fast at some places on the route. Snowing, slippery and fast don't go together in my book.

At work I sowed today; two kinds of aubergine (with seeds to spare for Thursday on one kind) and Melothria scabra, a South American water melon. 
And since it's the season for Swedish semla (sweet bun filled with almond pulp and whipped cream, I arrived home with one. Had my lunch, stomach felt fine, so after a little while I ate this yummy 'semla' as we call it... and, bad idea... the nausea came some time after. So, now I know. Nothing cake or bun-like for a while.

I chose the selfie today, to show you my crochet wooly hat. I like it. It's warm and it's covering my ears.

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