The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Buzzin' around

I had hoped to take pictures looking out over the Severn from the top of the hill, up by the children's centre where I was being inducted, but the sun was very bright, and I have no viewfinder. A mother on the top of town estate was telling her child that the shop was closed, but there was plenty of Coke in the fridge. It reminded me that there were ice lollies in our freezer.

So I thought I might try a graveyard macro, as the quickest way back is via the estate and the cemetery. But the grass was so long, and the light still so glaring ... In the end, I came across this patch of cranesbill in the lower cemetery, that was being pollinated by half a dozen bees. They did not stay still for long, but this last shot was the best of the bunch. I like the lower part of the cemtery, though it lacks the drama of the ancient part. Many immigrants are buried there, side by side. I seemed to be in the Irish and Eastern/Central European section today. It is only about fifty yards from our front door.

CleanSteve had had a massive bonfire, and even burned all my oldbank statements! This inspired me to carry on with the study. THe filing cabinet is pretty much done now, and the desk's many drawers and storage spaces are being excavated. I can now put my feet under the desk without having to rest them on a box! I realise that many of you may be able to do this already, but to me it's progress.

Half of the school will be out on a trip tomorrow, so I am looking at some crafty options for those left behind. And outdoor play again, if the sun continues to shine! Fingers crossed, it is set to stay for a few days.

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