
By tridral

Cyfarfod a Bwyta

Cyfarfod a Bwyta ~ Meeting and Eating

“Photography is where the past meets the present.”
― Destin Sparks

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Roedd hi'n dipyn bach eironig heddiw, Diwrnod Sant Folant, aeth y ddau ohonon ni allan i fwyta -mewn lleoedd gwahanol.

Es i i'r dre cwrdd â fy mrawd yn Wagamama - mae hi wedi bod rhywbeth dod yn ddigwyddiad rheolaidd.  Mae'n dda iawn i sgwrsio a chael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am faterion teuluol.  Roedd y fwyd yn dda iawn ond roedd y bwyty yn swnllyd. Mae'n amhosib siarad â'r staff am unrhywbeth cymhleth - felly wrth gwrs roedd 'popeth yn iawn' oherwydd mae'n amhosib dweud unrhywbeth arall. (Mae'n gynllun cyfrwys.)

Rydw i wedi bod yn teimlo wedi blino ers i ni wedi dod adre o'r enciliad. Roedd llawer o foreau cynnar a nosweithiau hwyr. Nawr rydyn ni'n adre rydw i'n ffeindio fy hun yn cwympo i gysgu o flaen y teledu. Ond efallai ei fod yn henaint.

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It was a bit ironic today, St Valentine's Day, we both went out to eat - in different places.

I went into town to meet my brother at Wagamama - it's become something of a regular occurrence. It is very good to chat and keep up to date with family matters. The food was very good but the restaurant was noisy. It's impossible to talk to the staff about anything complicated - so of course 'everything was fine' because it's impossible to say anything else. (It's a cunning plan.)

I've been feeling tired since we came home from the retreat. There were many early mornings and late nights. Now we're home I find myself falling asleep in front of the TV. But maybe it's old age.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Bwyta allan mewn bwyty
Description (English): Eating out in a restaurant

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