Gitama's World

By Gitama


This morning I got up early to take the trip over the mountains to visit Mum.
Beetle loves it when we go to visit her because she feeds him lots of treats....unfortunately she gives him so many that on the way home he farts like a trooper and I end up falling out of the car when we get home with my eyes watering.
Anyway I was raining so hard that both Mum and I decided that it was a no go so I turned around and came home. Beetle was miserable when after a short drive we ended back at home so he did a bit of sulking for a while.

I used my time wisely and started a mock up for a mural for  D's Gelato/bakery  ....I think I did a pretty good job...I will probably blip it when its finished.

It was my mates birthday today......Georgie from the Flower shop so we had a get together and a couple of cocktails to celebrate. Opps needing to get my skates on and feed the boy as the girl is out galavanting again.

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