Poor Biscuit

Biscuit met an unfriendly Border Collie on our walk yesterday and ended at the vets with 3 puncture wounds. He is very lame on one front leg and I think his entire body is hurting. He wants to be close to me, but he do not want me to touch him. He goes away, when I try to. He is on antibiotics and pain medicine.

Hero is always very caring, when one of the other dogs are unwell and he has not left Biscuit's side since we came home from the vets. He checked on Biscuit every 5th minute last night all night (!!!) and then came and reported back to me... I did try to explain to him, that I was not interested in news every 5th minute, but he still thought it necessary, which means that we got very little sleep. I love Hero for being so caring, but I would have liked to sleep a little.

This is Hero checking on Biscuit.

Keep your fingers crossed for a speedy recovery for my poor little man.
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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