View of London from Knight's Hill

I had some appointments in West Norwood this morning and I was struck by this view from the top of the hill. A little bit hazy so I've faffed about with this image... probably over faffed it now.

Strangely enough, even though I was not taking people pictures I was challenged by a man driving up the road. He stopped his car and came striding over. I admit that I began to feel a little worried; He was very tall and menacing looking.

Tall and menacing man bearing down on me:
"Excuse me, but I think it is a bit odd that you are standing here taking pictures "

Me, with heart beating like the clappers and nervously walking backwards:
"Do you? Have you seen the view?"

Man with sudden look of relief and broad smile:
"Ha ha ha, I thought you were taking pictures of me in my car"

Me looking even more relieved than him:
"Ha, Ha, Oh no, I certainly wouldn't do something like that (ahem). Here, let me show you the shots. Sorry to have alarmed you"
blah, blah, told him about Blip, blah.

Anyway, he turned out to be quite a nice chap and told me about places where I could go to get good views.

The experience sure gave me a bit of a fright. All kinds of scenarios played out in my head in the few seconds that it took him to walk towards me. Be careful where you point your cameras, blippers.

I've just read all this back and it is not very interesting, sorry folks. It'll help me to remember the day though.

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