Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

We had more snow today, and a half cancelled bus made me almost late for work.
Isn't it really, really stupid to cancel a bus just half of the way? The bus I should've gone with started the bus stop before I go off... I mean why? 
Oh, well... at least I got to work without breaking something... it was slippery in the woods. I had to take my normal route through the forest instead of the somewhat longer path I've been taking during winter, and it had some icy patches.
Mostly replanted little chilli plants today.
Came home and made some preparations for the Seek Gather Create challenge, with items to collect: A crow, something orange, something burnt and something frayed. I picked up a crow feather some time ago and I scanned and printed it out on paper, then I have an off cut of a raven die. I don't have orange, but I do have yellow and red, so that I can mix. Something frayed is easy for someone with a large amount of fabric laying around. The question was the 'burnt' part... I don't want to set things on fire, even for art so it got me thinking about colours and burnt umber, burnt sienna... so I ordered some acrylic paints (I needed some for the geli printing anyway) and I'll make a geli print background with burnt umber and orange. The feather is already backed with tea dyed paper and cut out and the colours will arrive on Thursday. :)

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