
By JackyMT

Can't get away from them,

They are all over the place, the covered building in the background is the new disability lift being installed over the railway at Garforth station. hence the traffic lights.
A sad day today, Mark came with his 12 year old Labrador Jasper  his legs and back end had collapsed and he had become incontinent, he could hardly walk he was being treated for arthurites and on very strong pain killers, so the time had come to make that decision to save him any more pain so he came for us to say goodbye to him before he made his last visit to the vet. It was heart breaking to see such a usually lively dog just lying there,  Mark came back after for a cuppa and to be cheered up. He had to help him from the car park round to the vets because he couldn't  park outside, and a kind lady offered to help him when she found out where and why he was going and she gave Jasper a big hug and Mark a big hug too, how kind was that. We all need a hug and bit of kindness sometime.

Apart from that it was a lovely springlike day, 
After a shop at Tesco, I had £8.50 in vouchers  this week which with some of their offers I saved £14, then we took Tanzy a walk. 

Later I baked some Apricot Jam Tarts, and did some washing.

The weather outlook for tomorrow looks wet and windy

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