
By ayearinthelife

Clouds Across The Moon

Annoyingly, this picture has come out brighter than I intended, but I guess that’s what happens when you’re only using an iPhone. You’ll have to trust me when I say it was quite dark outside and the clouds weren’t actually that bright!
If this smacks of someone getting to the end of the day and not yet having a blip, you would be very close to the truth!
After a strenuous PT session this morning, the afternoon has been spent emailing and phoning various people as I try and set up some practical care for mum. She is still ok with basic day to day living but really needs help with what might loosely be called “admin”. Dealing with paperwork, making appointments, arranging for work around the house, etc. Previously, the help she has been offered is of the “companionship” type - someone who will sit and chat with her or take her out somewhere. She is adamant that she has no interest in anything like this - she needs someone who can help with paperwork, sort out hospital appointments, fix a leaky tap, etc. The sort of stuff I could do if I didn’t live 100 miles away!
I don’t think arranging this is going to be a smooth process, but hopefully I can get something sorted sooner rather than later.

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