Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

What. A. Day.

CW: period talk

I got absolutely drenched on the way to work today; turns out my coat is not very waterproof in anything more than a light drizzle, and my trainers not all all... I got caught in a full on downpour waiting for the bus, and it wasn't much better once getting into Town. My coat was literally dripping everywhere. As I was walking from the bus stop to the office, I was gripped with utterly awful cramps, so when I got in I beelined straight to the loo. Had to turn right around and come back home because I had menstruated so hard that it went straight through the night time towel (the most absorbant kind) I had put on less than 90mins before, through my pants and into my new, never before worn leggings. Yippee. Got home; clothes in wash, showered, decided to work on the recliner sofa downstairs to ease my back pain, and promptly dropped my phone down between the recliner seat and the middle seat... I spent 10mins laying my freshly showered self on the floor fishing around the dusty, cobwebby mechanisms of the chair to get it back, including using the mop handle and a vac attachment to fish it out. Finally ready to begin work, I reclined the chair and it made an apocalyptic clonk sound. I tried to un-recline it and it did it again. I panicked and decided not to recline again in fear of collapsing the chair. Later discovered I had simply left the vac attachment under there... At lunch, I knocked over my noodles and lost all the flavour powder. 

Should've stayed in bed.

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