The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Layered sky and ash dieback

The weather forecast for the first half of the day was dismal, and we were not expecting the builders to arrive in the morning.  But Pete was unperturbed, and he was there at 0800 as usual, and they managed a full day outside doing the landscaping.

After Bat and Chat in the afternoon, I needed to walk off some adrenalin.  The weather in the west was changing with the arrival of a front, and it looked promising for a sunset.  I went up the cliff for a view down over the Plain of York.  In the event there was more cloud on the horizon, and the sun was swallowed up before it met the land.  But there was still a multilayered coloured sky to enjoy.  The ash tree has a lot of dead twigs and branches, it's probably another a victim of ash dieback.

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