Carpe diem

By EveryDayMatters

Busy Bangalore

Busy Bangalore

Well, nobody said it would be this busy! It took nearly 2.5 hours to get a taxi to go around 7 miles !! It is mayhem down in the streets, not helped by a thunderstorm and lots of flooded roads. This is a classic example of an autopoietic system; one that produces amazing degrees of self-organisation out of total chaos. It is like random motion on the roads, where lanes and lights and systems do not mean a thing. Everyone just heads for gaps with millimetres to spare. Nobody seems to hit anything or anyone else, not that we can see anyway. Motorbikes and scooters just beep and glide in and out between cars, lorries and buses, some scooters with four people on them.

The motto here is 'Beep and put your foot down' !!

We are starting to assimilate the culture as you have to learn fast. The people are lovely though, and are so friendly, polite and always helpful if they can understand what you are trying to express.

So, here we are in the IT outsourcing capital of the world - blipping away !! Who knows, perhaps the ISP is actually hosted and supported somewhere around here for Blipfoto :)

Back to the chaos :)

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