Kerstin's photojourney

By kerstinsphotos


was this weeks tut (team up thursday) theme.... Last week it was very hot and sunny and I really enjoyed it - but totally forgot about our theme for this week. so when I realized I have to show a proper sunset the weather had changed from sunny to cloudy and rainy... buuuut on saturday late afternoon / early evening (after a whole day of rain and clouds) the sun did show up again and we had a beautiful sunset. Went to our guest room where I had the better view and did shoot a few photos - this is the best in my opinion....btw - my photo is the second one....

Again I am totally blown away how Marcelle and I both captured our sunsets - the colours are almost identical - okay sunset always shows colours like that but I really think they are very very alike ..... Well done my TUT partner and friend Marcelle - love the depth of your photo - it sends out a real silence and its such a peaceful photo.... great capture

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