Seeing Beyond Looking

By SandraSuisse

The Field and Spring Flowers

Very often, a collage stunts the flow of things and I couldn't enclose this beautiful stretch of tiny cyclamen under a tree and cascading into a garden into a little square!  I did however make a collage of other things I saw: daffodils, magpies in a tree, daffodils opening in the sunshine and more cyclamen. The Field has a stand apart photo in the extras with the collage.

I met one of the ladies from our Friday Walking Group as I climbed the hill and she was coming down! We said that we would telephone each other when we felt like walking as we both like to do it every day!

The field (there are actually three of them) can be reached in roughly 30-35 minutes from home and it's all uphill! The field was still rather muddy and I wasn't wearing appropriate footwear, so I just walked alongside. 

The air was fresh, the skies blue and the sunshine generous. It was so gorgeous to hear birdsong and see a freshly planted field!

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