Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Blipping Betty's

Well, the day has come, my 5,475th blip representing 15 years of blipping. A few of those are "archival blips" but, from the day I joined, I haven't stopped - a photo taken on  each of those days, posted and described.

This year has been a tough one starting with giving up my photo studio in town and calling an end to giving formal, paid tuition. The reason for that was not just my age, but a weariness, an inability to rouse myself early in the morning and a general feeling of lethargy. This turned out be due to heart failure for which I'm now receiving treatment.

I'm still tired at times but I'm trying to increase my activity to exercise my heart. 

The blip was taken at the famous Betty's in Harrogate where we had coffee and an exceedingly good scone. We're down here in the caravan while I attend a Leader's Conference for those actively involved in roles within their churches. I do Sunday School and am with 11 others with different responsibilities in our parish. We are joined by about 1,800 others in the Convention Centre. The singing is LOUD!

I've gone on enough about me, just time to thank those wonderful people at Blip "HQ" who make it such fun to save our lives "a day at a time" and YOU who read and comment on my ramblings. 


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