A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Electric Avenue

I can't quite believe that I have just finished the last working day of the academic year.

All my pupils have sat their exams and we all await the results with some trepidation.

My lab has been cleared of all the accumulated rubbish and written-on paper that builds up over the course of a term and the computer turned off for a well-earned two month rest.

And here we are, with Speech Day tomorrow. A couple of hours in the Don Carlos hotel, listening to speeches and congratulations to prize-winners and then nine weeks of hot, lazy summer days.

Well, maybe not too lazy. I have lots planned and I am sure the time will soon whiz by, but it is a lovely prospect.

And tomorrow evening, I shall be with Jacqui again after two weeks apart.

That´s the best bit of all.

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