Life through the lens...

By ValC

If you go down to the woods today...........

At the moment the only surprise is the fact that these trees were planted 8 days ago.
You can can see from the inset photo they are very tiny saplings. Less than 10 inches tall.
I’m not sure what they all are but there are several different varieties. Hopefully I will be able to tell when they get some leaves on.

In 2019 Kirklees Council declared a Climate Emergency with a vision to make Kirklees carbon neutral by 2038.
To help achieve their target, creating a woodland on Tong Moor, is all part of the plan.
They have fortunately left part of the Moor which is quite boggy and has yellow iris, various sedges, along with wild flowers that like damp areas, in summer.

It is certainly going to look very different from the moor I used to walk across everyday when I was at first school, and the route which was part of our Lockdown Walk.
However we certainly won’t be around to see the wood when the trees have grown!

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