Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Blip

By alfthomas

Multiple Sunset Experiment

Peter just wanted his bed, he had had enough of this caliginous, hagridden night. He was feeling somewhat crapulent after having had to contend with all of the brabble in the pub. There were a couple of concupiscible ladies attending this mickle constellate that he might have approached had he been feeling in any way concupiscible - but he wasn't. He was presently betwixt paramours, and wanted it to remain that way for the time being. He had always been a brainish sort of bloke with a penchant for bookcraft. He came to the conclusion that he definitely needed a visit to the barber, the bloody elflocks were really beginning to annoy him. The bonus was that tomorrow was Saturday, and he had a chance to practice being a total slugabed.

Author's Note
Words are funny, slippery things. They can so easily get away from you. Just when you think you have got the hang of them they change. Here I chose a few relatively obsolete words which I defy anyone to define without a dictionary or Mr. Google, that is unless they are as interested in words as myself.

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