The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Stroud Film Festival: Black Dog Way

Black Dog Way is the name of a real street in Gloucester, near the railway line. Many people live on the street in Gloucester. When they do get housed in emergency hostel-type housing, few people have the  capacity or skill set to move on up the ladder. 'Supported living' schemes sometimes don't offer the support they they are supposed to, because they are being run on the cheap by companies that don't have the residents'best interests at heart. Some people end up back on the street. Others die; yet others find themselves caught up in Home Office limbo. 

Steve Gower, the man on the left who features in the film, became homeless at the age of 49. He was lucky: eventually he got a place in temporary accommodation and was able to move on after seven months to something more permanent. He had had a background in construction, and was able to do some training in housing and housing law, and became a voluntary advocate for the homeless. The film tells both his story and that of those he meets. Steve also offers a glimpse of his  alternative vision for the future.  

The men on the right is Sam Pope, the film maker. They stayed on for Q and A. The film will haunt me, but I am glad I saw it. You can find more about it at

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