Flower Spirit

By flowerspirit

Yellow Rattle

Yellow Rattle is a Karmic essence produced by Crystal Herbs to treat despair and despondency when it is very deep-rooted.

Dr Edward Bach who discovered Bach Flower Remedies believed that there are 7 basic personality types. He observed that people who experience despair and despondency are one of these 7 types. Interestingly the Bach Flower Remedies in this group are not the obvious essences for depression. Instead this group covers crab apple, elm, larch, oak, pine, Star of Bethlehem, sweet chestnut and willow.

The energy that most of these Bach Flower Remedies treat is lack of self-acceptance or lack of faith in own abilities. I often find that when clients come to me with depression, underlying that state is low self-esteem. This is where Yellow Rattle is so useful - for people who are in the depths of despair, intensely sad with a lack of self-belief or self-love in them.

As Yellow Rattle is taken, deep layers of depression that seem to be soul deep can be released. Taking Karmic essences often bring memories of past lives into awareness. As these old memories are brought into consciousness, the accompanying emotional state can be released.

Yellow flowers often treat depression since they bring the joy and light of the sun to chase away the darkness inside. In her book The Flowers of Life, Shimara Kumara describes the state as "a melancholy which echoes from previous lives in a similar way to the dried seed pods in the flower. When winds cast upon a field of Yellow Rattle the sound will echo; the vibrations reverberating over surrounding fields in a similar way to the echoes of past hopelessness and despair."

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