Something I rarely do, as those of you who visit very often know well! But this photo captures a rare and wonderful moment in my bliplife, and I have to admit I had a guest photographer take it!

We had a very stressful afternoon at the hospital, waiting for Al's sister to come out of the operating room. The doctors weren't sure how much repair work they could do or if she would have to live with severe damage for life.

On our way home a horrendous hailstorm hit, and we had to pull over four or five times because we couldn't see the road. Debbie, Al's sister, was still in surgery after 4 hours.

We headed to a dinner date without knowing the outcome, but both our phones were on and waiting in case we had to turn around.

Sitting in the parking lot of our meeting place we finally got the news: after nearly five hours the operation had been a success...every indication is Debbie will have a normal life when she heals! We were thrilled to hear this, and it made our evening even better than we hoped it would be.

Then I got to have my first real blipmeet!! Of course, outdoorguy and I have been friends for 35 years and often spend time together with our cameras, but this one was with blippers I only knew through their from my home state, and one from my ancestors' home country!!

How wonderful to meet someone for the first time, yet feel that you know what they are like, who they love, and so many of the little stories of their lives that make them who they are!! That is the magic that happened tonight with Bryan and Anni!

Six of us sat and shared dinner, stories, laughter, jokes and photos...Al was with me, and took this photo, and Lisa was with Tim and took some photos for him.
This is one I will treasure for a long, long you always do with your "first"!!!

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