
By Wildwood

Frilly Tulip*

Things are settling into a rather boring routine...
Stumble into kitchen to make coffee
Read newspaper in as much detail as I can tolerate
Shower and dress
Today I sat in the room and watched while John did zoom PIlates.
Do some exercises
Eat lunch (today I took a nap and discovered when I got up that John had eaten the half of yesterday's bahn mi sandwich I was saving for today.
Settled for a hard boiled egg.
Look at all the lovely comments from followers.
More exercises
Tuesday and Thursday physical therapy (otherwise known as pain and torture)
Write Blipfoto entry
Watch as much news as I can tolerate.
Dinner. John has been managing the cooking quite well. There may be lasting benefits to this.
More TV. Sometimes we opt for something we've seen before just because navigating the smart tv is too much trouble
Bed This is proving to be problematic as almost as soon as I settle into bed, muscles I didn't know I had start seizing up. This too shall pass, but until it does I'm not getting a lot of rest at night 

There is some sort of outing every day, but almost all of them are related to knee rehab/recovery.

I'm ready for a total life change following this total knee replacement....

*I broke this tulip stem whilst trying to adjust it in the vase, so I decided to see what I could do with it. 

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