
By JennyOwen


A bit of quiet time at home in the morning, followed by some good times in the early afternoon with Simone - as has been our Tuesday routine for a few weeks now. And this week Simone has worked out how to crawl forwards at last, and is now covering ground quietly but very effectively.  She is very, very happy about it :>)
Then I met Frieda from pre-school, and she came back to ours for tea and playtime. We haven't done this for a while, as our combined routines often make it more sensible for me to look after her at Jack and Marianna's.
Frieda was on really good form. We built a marble run, testing out various angles and combinations.  Frieda also added a population of Playmobil and doll's house figures as spectators for various marble races.  After tea we played the game I always knew as 'pairs', which F calls 'the memory game'. F is really good at this, it's one of her favourites with Greek granny and grandpa too.
I dropped Frieda back at her house in the early evening, and went on to the Photo Society weekly meeting, which is at the same end of town. A good, busy day all round.

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