The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Bo'ness Fair Queen 2009

The 101st Children's Fair Festival Queen Shanagh Penman's house frontage, decorated in the style of the historic Bo'ness Hippodrome. A few months of design, woodwork and a heck of a lot of late nights, plus a few thousand £s. In Bo'ness, it is a huge deal if your daughter is chosen as Queen.
Every year many ex Bo'nessians come home, just for the Fair. I couldn't make it yesterday, so went to down today to have a wander round the "Arches".
Does my heart glad to see its still going strong.

More here from 2008

My day started strangely, running the Curlyfries around 2 of the 3 Paper rounds he did today. He was delivering around 80 papers, so he could get to the meeting place in time, for his practice cycle for the "Great Cycle Challenge". In August, The Explorer scouts will cycle from Fort William to Perth, off road. It's a huge challenge for them and will hopefully raise some funds for them. (Hint to family, sponser forms will be presented soon).
he arrived home more than a wee bit tired, but happy.

After Bo'ness we went up to Livingston for a spot of shopping and almost missed Trabroun, but when she sent me a text, threatening to blip us shopping, Ali utterly refused to let her blip him in ladies underwear, in M+S!


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