
By rat

Birthday card

Made by my very talented d-in-law (if anyone in E Scotland she does calligraphy workshops).
Not the usual Thursday, no Health Walk. The cafe soup-maker has had a chest infection and isn't up to the cooking, yet, and the other deputy had to wait in for a plumber so it fell to me - luckily trained in how to do it, we don't want complaints!
There was an upside, I didn't have to leave home as early as usual to fit everything in.
Cafe was very busy, the customers come earlier and earlier but we refuse to start doing the orders until the time advertised and we can be sure we're ready. I reckon if we did start earlier they'd come earlier still.
Once done I had to go into town to get my 2nd shingles vaccine, move some money around and do a bit of shopping and when I got home Mr Rat organised the tea.
I've been busy with admin this evening, it seems never-ending.

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