West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Paddle Power

I had dropped the twins at the rink, skates on they took to the ice, Mimi in her new dress for tomorrows competition, she looked every inch a star, beautiful. Insanely parents are not allowed to take photographs of their children unless accredited to do so by the club and there are only 2 accredited photographers for the club, you guessed it folks I am not one of them as I would so much love to have shot her today, anyway moan over.

The mist was rolling up the river, not deterred I wandered for a bit, aimless. I had been thinking of my friend again, I hadnt heard in a few days how things were and being honest I was worried. I went back to the car as the smir of rain was thickening, a text arrived, and a few messages later a brief chat It was a relief to hear their voice, but they sounded wearied and I worry, despite the protestations I will always worry!!! They know I am here when needed day or night it does not matter that's what true friendship must be.

As our conversation closed I heard the distinctive sound of the thundering paddles of the Waverley. PS Waverley is named after Sir Walter Scott's first novel; built in 1946 to replace a PS Waverley that was built in 1899, served in the Second World War as a minesweeper and was sunk in 1940 while helping to evacuate troops from Dunkirk. I made a brief reference to Waverley in She was Beautiful Once and have been looking for a chance to shoot her since. Many of you will know the name as the last paddle steamer still in operation. I remember as a child seeing the rusting and rotting hulks of the old steamers like the Duchess of Hamilton as they waited the breakers yard, sad sights but I guess that was seen as progress in the 1970's

Not the traditional Bright coloured sunny shot of her that graces many entries I shot her in mono with the saturated reds, I like how it seemed to reflect yesteryear, a vision from the past perhaps. I hope you enjoy the shot, another for my friend, our river and a memory from home, I hope she raises a smile for you

Best viewed large I suspect

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