
By RadioGirl

Tiny Tuesday - BBC Radio Circle

The morning was taken up with a big meeting about the formation of a new pastoral care team for our church, mostly comprising those of us who go to the Tuesday house groups to study the Bible and discuss our faith. Our Rector came along to explain all the legal safeguarding and data protection aspects, and we firmed up which areas of pastoral care we feel are particularly needed in our benefice. We aim to get started soon after Easter when we’ve all done the necessary form-filling and training courses.

For Tiny Tuesday I bring you a little item from my collection of artifacts from the history of the BBC. “Children’s Hour” had been broadcast on radio right from the very beginning in 1922, and as it gained in popularity the individual regional stations formed Radio Circles. These were essentially clubs for the “Children’s Hour” listeners, who paid a membership fee of one shilling and received the badge for their region and a certificate or calendar, and were invited to various events such as picnics and Christmas parties. One of the main functions of the Radio Circles was to encourage children to devote time and energy to good causes in their local areas. Amongst other things they collected silver paper, and the money raised from this was given to good causes, such as the “Children’s Hour Wireless Fund”, which gave out wireless sets to children’s hospital wards. Sadly, the BBC decided to end the Radio Circles in 1934 due to the administration and costs involved. My little enamel membership badge is from the early 1930’s. Many thanks to Pinkhairedlady for hosting Tiny Tuesday in March.

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