Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Putting on a Show

I decided to spend a little time in the hide this morning, taking advantage of an evenly overcast sky.  As is usual at this time of year, there a good number of male red-winged blackbirds coming in for suet and seeds.  And, being "that" time of year, lots of territorial displays and singing.  I did what I always do and set up some perches near the feeders, making sure I had clean backgrounds.  It was my lucky day when this handsome bird displayed literally right in front of me.  I have always found the naming of this species strange - it would have been more descriptive to call it "red-shouldered".  

We apparently had a nighttime visitor in the yard last night as Hubs discovered a section of fend that had come detached from the corner poles.  Luckily he was able to easily repair it, but it really means the feeders must come down for a few weeks until the bear moves on (hopefully).  Jax was all bristled up when I took him out, sniffing the fend where the bear must have come over.  Living in the land of bears...

I got a notification that the lenses and second camera body that I'm renting for the trip to SA will be here tomorrow instead of Friday.  I'm pleased as this gives me an extra day to try out both lenses and make sure I am comfortable with them.  

Last night we watched a movie called "Race" which was the story of Jesse Owens leading up to his competition in the 1936 Olympics in Germany.  It was during the rise of Hitler and the Nazi party so the country was not friendly to Owens or other black or Jewish competitors.  Such an interesting movie - we both really enjoyed it.  

Plain dark today.


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