
By SimtuCrostines

Ah, a bird!

Well, I had a blip hiatus of a few days due to a routine change. My partner was away for some time which left me finding less motivation for certain things, namely blipping and doing the dishes! That's not meant to sound as scathing of blip as it might do! I generally find forming new daily habits difficult, and my partner's presence provides some accountability motivation because it was they that introduced me to Blip. Dishes also - they bother them more if they're left around!

What I did do was much digging! I've now dug up half our lawn for flower beds, and I'm thinking of putting a pond in the shadiest part, which is quite exciting! It feels like a very creative process overall. Apart from where slugs and snails are involved, sadly.

My doodle is a riff on a figure from a book of hours illustration.

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